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Strategic Plan 2022

Miami-Dade County has had a strategic planning and performance measurement structure in place for twenty years. This approach is based on a countywide strategic plan that crosses several service delivery areas including Public Safety, Transportation and Mobility, Health and Society, Neighborhood and Infrastructure, Recreation and Culture, Economic Development and General Government services. Through annual business planning and budgeting, our departments align their activities to the strategic plan, identify the performance measures they will use to gauge success and seek the resources needed to execute their plans.

This latest revision to the strategic plan incorporates extensive public input received through the Mayor’s civic engagement initiative, Thrive305. This community input helped to shape the County’s new Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles as well as updated goals and objectives.

Additionally, the 2022 Strategic Plan introduces the concept of featured objectives which are closely aligned to Thrive305 and the Mayoral priorities known as the 4 Es: Economy, Environment, Equity and Engagement. Featured objectives are indicated with an ✪ icon throughout this web page

Business Plans & Reports

Each year, County Departments and related agencies prepare two-year business plans. These plans show how departments will help achieve goals in the County's Strategic Plan. 
Learn more

Contact Us

Carlos Maxwell
Assistant Director