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Contact Information Technology

Information Technology Department
5680 SW 87th Avenue
Miami, FL 33173
Phone: 305-596-8200

Margaret Brisbane
CIO & Director
Phone: 305-596-8200

Mari Malcolm
Dept. Administrative Coordinator
Phone: 305-596-8070

Arleen Gomez
Executive Assistant to the Director
Phone: 305-596-8129

Employee Help Desk
Phone: 305-596-HELP (4357)

Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities

People who require assistance because of their disabilities in order to participate in the programs, activities or services of the Miami-Dade County Information Technology Department, may contact Lylliam Arocho at 305-596-8279 or Lylliam.Arocho@miamidade.gov.

To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, or other means of equally effective communication to participate in any program or meeting, please contact her five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service.

Public Records Requests

Arleen Gomez and Lars Schmekel, Public Records Custodians
Information Technology
5680 SW 87th Ave.
Miami, FL 33173

Public Records Request