All Miami-Dade County candidates must file their Campaign Treasurer's Reports with the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections through the Online Reporting system. You'll need to get a login ID and password from us to file.
We must receive your report no later than midnight on the day designated, per Florida Statute 106.0705(3). If we receive it late, you will be fined, per Florida Statute 106.07(8)(b).
To review the reporting schedule, visit the Candidate Qualifying Handbook.
Vote-by-Mail Ballot Campaign Reports
Per Section 12-14.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code, candidates running for the offices of Miami-Dade County Mayor, Commissioner, and Community Council must file a Vote-by-Mail Ballot Campaign Report to reveal the names of paid campaign workers who take part in vote-by-mail ballot activities.
Once the report has been completed, send a signed electronic copy to
For quicker processing, make sure the email header includes the name of the candidate, the report name and references the type of report submitted (i.e. Jane Doe, 23-MO3 VBM Campaign Report).
Candidates for office are required to submit financial disclosure forms.