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We deliver accurate financial services for sound management decision-making and are responsible for financial compliance and guidance, centralized accounting, cash management, business systems solutions, financial and debt management, and the collection of delinquent accounts for various county departments.

Financial Reports

This report covers financial statements for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30.

These quarterly reports summarize the portfolio of investments held by the County.

Central Services Cost Allocation Plans for expenditures for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30.

Audited financial statements of governmental activities and business-type activities.

The report explains the procedures to be followed by each department's financial liaison personnel.

The County's assets and liabilities, established controls and procedures and guide capital assets reporting.

View countywide financial reports

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About Us

We provide the basic financial management system for all County departments, which is used for budgeting, expenditures, payments and receivables. We process credit card payments as a certified PCI-compliant merchant.

We are developing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) strategy, which will also integrate inventory and the management of debt, grants and risk.

The new Imaging Workflow Application (IWA) will streamline workflow, improve processing cycles, and help eliminate paper files.