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Audit and Management Services

We perform audits to evaluate and encourage compliance with applicable rules and regulations, identify opportunities to improve performance, and foster accountability.

Audit Reports

An exit conference is held with the operating department when the draft audit has been completed. The department is given the opportunity to confirm the findings in the report and has 30 days to respond with a plan for corrective action. Audit and Management Services will then issue the final audit report, which may show that all issues have been resolved or that further actions may be necessary. This process follows the guidelines of Administrative Order 3-7.

ADA Compatible Audit Report Request:
If you require an ADA-compatible version of an audit report, email michielan.gayle@miamidade.gov or call 786-469-5958.

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About Us

We examine the operations of County government and external companies, contractors, and grantees to ensure public funds are spent appropriately and efficiently. We perform audits of high-risk functions and activities, and respond to special audit requests from the Mayor, the Board of County Commissioners, Portfolio Chiefs and County Departments.

Audits are conducted in accordance with professional auditing standards, which require assessing risks, planning and performing work to achieve desired objectives, and communicating results that are accurate, constructive, timely, and adequately supported.

Our goal is to complete operational, performance, and compliance audits that will have a high impact on improving internal controls and operational efficiencies, as well as monitoring ongoing compliance.